Creating realistic place name for fantasy maps

Creating realistic place name for fantasy maps

Below is a list of resources I've stumbled across over the years that I've found invaluable when it comes to creating names for my settings. I'll try to keep adding to this when I find things that are worthwhile, without making it too longwinded and unmanageable.

Like everything when it comes to fantasy cartography, there aren't too many hard and fast rules or methods when it comes to creating names for you lands or settlements.  

Personally I tend to look at historical approaches, as this seems to create more authenticity, but it all depends on you're setting. Historical contexts work for me as I veer more towards medieval fantasy, that approach might not work so well if you're creating maps and campaigns set in a dystopian sci-fi setting.

These approaches are: 

  • Etymology: the study of the origin of words; and
  • Toponymy: The study of place names


Useful links

With that in mind, here are a few links that I've found really helpful in the toponymy of my worldbuilding projects:

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